Spiro Agnew - Hippies
Anwar al-Sadat - Peace
Apollo 11 - The Eagle Has Landed
Apollo 11 - One Small Step For Man
Apollo 13 - Houston We Have a Problem
P.T. Barnum - 1890 Commercial
Battle of Midway - Eyewitness Account
Marlon Brando - Offer He Can't Refuse
William Jennings Bryan - The Republic
George Bush - Death of Communism
Johnny Carter - Nomination
Fidel Castro - Ambition
Fidel Castro - Cuban Revolution
Fidel Castro - We Have The Power
Neville Chamberlain - Meeting With Hitler
Winston Churchill - Finest Hour
Bill Clinton - Renewal
Calvin Coolidge - America and the War
Calvin Coolidge - Duty of Government
James Dean - Tearing Me Apart
John Dulles - Free People Will Never Remain Free
Amelia Earhart - Aviation
Amelia Earhart - Women
Thomas Edison - Electricity and Progress
Albert Einstein - E=mc^2
Albert Einstein - Non-Violence
Albert Einstein - Nuclear Weapons
Albert Einstein - World Peace
Robert Frost - Fire and Ice
Mahatma Gandhi - Soldier of Peace
Bill Gates - Vision
Lou Gehrig - Luckiest Man
Hermann Goering - Dimitrov
Hermann Goering - Prussian State Council
Hermann Goering - Stalingrad
Samuel Gompers - Labor's Service to Freedom
Che Guevara - Speech 1
Che Guevara - Speech 2
Che Guevara - Speech 3
Al Gore - Internet
Adolf Hitler - Announcement of his death
Adolf Hitler - War Declaration
Lyndon Johnson - All Men Are Equal
Edward Kennedy - Eulogy for Robert
John F. Kennedy - Cuban Missile Crisis
John F. Kennedy - Announcement that he had been shot
John F. Kennedy - Announcement of his death
Robert Kennedy - What We Need
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. - I Have a Dream
Vladimir Lenin - 1918 Speech
The Life Alert Commercial "Help I've fallen and I can't get up!"
Charles Lindbergh - No Intervention (1941)
Charles Lindbergh - Seeing Europe
Douglas MacArthur - Fade Away
Malcolm X - Conditions in the Ghetto
Malcolm X - By Any Means
Malcolm X - Open Revolt
Malcolm X - No Unity
Malcolm X - White Man is the Enemy
Nelson Mandela - Freedom For All
Joseph McCarthy - Jackals
Joseph McCarthy - One and the Same
Joseph McCarthy - Traitors are not Gentlemen
Margaret Mead - Women's Work
Richard Nixon - 1971 State of the Union Address
Al Pacino - Scarface
Pearl Harbor Attack - BBC Announcement
Pearl Harbor Attack - CBS Announcement
Pearl Harbor Attack - NBC Announcement
Robert Edwin Peary - North Pole
John Pershing - Fighting For You
Dan Quayle - Representative
Ronald Reagan - Government is the Problem
Paul Reubens - Take a Picture
John D. Rockefeller Jr. - Address
Eleanor Roosevelt - Freedom and Justice
Franklin Delano Roosevelt - Declaration of War Against Japan
Franklin Delano Roosevelt - Inaugural Address
Franklin Delano Roosevelt - 1940 Democratic National Convention Speech
Franklin Delano Roosevelt - Announcing Beginning of World War 2
Franklin Delano Roosevelt - Requesting War on Japan
Theodore Roosevelt - Social and Industrial Justice
Theodore Roosevelt - The Right of the People to Rule
Ernest Shackleton - My South Polar Expedition
Josef Stalin - Address
Josef Stalin - Fight Fascists
Josef Stalin - Germany
Gloria Steinem - Humanism
William Howard Taft - The Rights of Labor
Margaret Thatcher - Falkland Islands
President Truman - Atomic Bombing of Japan
President Truman - Threatening Japan
Woodrow Wilson - 1915 Speech to Indians
அருமையான பதிவு, மோகன்தாஸ் அவர்களே!
ReplyDeleteமன்னர் எட்வர்ட் VIII, அரச பதவியைக் காதலுக்குக்காகத் துறக்கும்போது, அவர் ஆற்றும் உரை எனக்கு மிகவும் பிடித்த ஒன்று. அதையும் இங்கு இணைத்தால், நன்றாக இருக்கும் என நினைக்கிறேன்.